
What does a session look like?

If you are local to the Twin Cities, I would love to meet you in the tiny house located in the backyard of our home in Stillwater, Minnesota. The tiny house is comfortable and cozy year-round, with a small AC unit and heated floors. It is a sacred space, just for you and your sacred story. If it’s more convenient for you or you are at a distance, we will meet through the wonder of technology and zoom!

In a spiritual direction session, we begin by getting centered. After a brief time of getting settled, a little touch base, etc, I will ask you how you would like to begin, giving you several choices. Sometimes a little silence is what seems right, or perhaps I will open our session with prayer or lectio divina...every session and relationship is a little different. In every session,  I will always be mindful of the third chair--the presence of holy--and tune into that presence.

My main goal during any session is to give you, the directee, total and complete attention, again, with an ear to the holy. You can bring any topic you'd like to explore in spiritual direction, or just be open to where you are in the moment. I want you to feel comfortable, at ease, and completely free to express whatever it is you are feeling. As our conversation deepens I will use discernment and deep compassionate listening to both you and the Holy Spirit, gently following where those threads intersect.

As our hour together comes to a close (sessions are about 60 minutes in length), I will end our time with silence and prayer, easing us back into our daily lives. My prayer for you is that you will have experienced an intentional time dedicated to furthering your spiritual life, and fueling your daily life with calm and tender care.

Spiritual Direction

Grief Support

Custom Creations